Tenha relatórios rápidos com a acessibilidade dos dados

Manipule seus dados de forma ágil e inteligente

Diminua o tempo para emissão de relatórios

Reports dos dados disponíveis em minutos, já que todos os ativos estão reunidos em um mesmo lugar. Liberado para usuários técnicos e de negócio

Tenha uma fonte única da verdade

Elimine ruídos na comunicação já que todos os ativos de dados estão reunidos em um só lugar

Economize tempo e dinheiro

Tome as melhores decisões com base nos dados administrados e ganhe tempo para focar no seu negócio

"We took our data models and flattened them a lot, and that made the data structure much easier to use. That way our customer success team, or our engineering team, or anyone else, could actually go in and answer questions on their own without writing a really complicated SQL query that would require them to understand the data model."
Lorem Ipsum

Frequently Asked

Our tool is built on a SQL editor because it provides robust capabilities — without requiring you to learn special syntaxes or create config files.

Write the transform first. Then, use our transform editor to select how often you want it to run or define a custom schedule. And with a single click you can turn on snapshots, which will automatically run once a day, so you can easily track historical data over time.

Absolutely. We manage hundreds of billions of rows of data for our customers each month.

Entre no universo de dados

How to Build a Data Strategy That Works in Your Industry Copy Copy

A data strategy ensures that all pieces of the business are working together with and from the same information. With a data strategy in place, you can be confident that teams and departments are not duplicating efforts because your data is regularly collected and centralized.

How to Build a Data Strategy That Works in Your Industry Copy

A data strategy ensures that all pieces of the business are working together with and from the same information. With a data strategy in place, you can be confident that teams and departments are not duplicating efforts because your data is regularly collected and centralized.

How to Build a Data Strategy That Works in Your Industry

A data strategy ensures that all pieces of the business are working together with and from the same information. With a data strategy in place, you can be confident that teams and departments are not duplicating efforts because your data is regularly collected and centralized.

Passe tempo analisando relatórios e focando no lucro.

A Dadosfera trabalha os dados para você.