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Quanto mais integrados forem os dados de uma empresa, mais insights eles darão sobre os processos

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A integração pode ser um problema em muitas organizações, mas com a quantidade disponíveis hoje, a Dadosfera resolve essa questão facilmente

Chega de preocupar com API's

A maioria dos conectores existentes hoje estão presentes na Dadosfera, e regularmente são feitas atualizações. Não se preocupa com API’s ou remendas.
“ETL is handled easily, Snowflake integration is seamless. Notifications on ETL are helpful.”
Lorem Ipsum

Frequently Asked

Data reliability means data is complete and accurate. Instead of relying on someone else to point out errors or having decision makers use bad data, you can proactively catch and fix issues early on. Having reliable data is the foundation for confident decision-making and a successful data team

Setting up alerts and writing transform tests requires little technical expertise. You can do it all with SQL.

Entre no universo de dados

How to Build a Data Strategy That Works in Your Industry Copy Copy

A data strategy ensures that all pieces of the business are working together with and from the same information. With a data strategy in place, you can be confident that teams and departments are not duplicating efforts because your data is regularly collected and centralized.

How to Build a Data Strategy That Works in Your Industry Copy

A data strategy ensures that all pieces of the business are working together with and from the same information. With a data strategy in place, you can be confident that teams and departments are not duplicating efforts because your data is regularly collected and centralized.

How to Build a Data Strategy That Works in Your Industry

A data strategy ensures that all pieces of the business are working together with and from the same information. With a data strategy in place, you can be confident that teams and departments are not duplicating efforts because your data is regularly collected and centralized.

Passe tempo analisando relatórios e focando no lucro.

A Dadosfera trabalha os dados para você.